• Colour idioms

        •      W języku angielskim jak wiemy, znaleźć możemy bardzo dużą ilość idiomów. Idiomy te związane są  z wieloma tematami. Mogą to być idiomy związane z częściami ciała, zwierzętami, chorobami, życiem, śmiercią, jedzeniem, ubraniem, językami i narodowościami oraz wiele, wiele innych.

          Ja wybrałam te związane z kolorami, gdyż dla niektórych podanych niżej idiomów, dość łatwo jest odnaleźć ich polski odpowiednik. Faktem jest, że są one stosowane bardzo często  w mowie codziennej mieszkańców krajów obszaru anglojęzycznego. Wiadomo również, że jeśli znamy te idiomy lepiej będziemy rozumieć język pisany i mówiony.



          a red rag to a bull – a source of violent anger to someone

          a red-letter day – a day of special importance e.g. a wedding, the celebration of a victory

          to be in the red – to be in debt

          a redneck (AmE) – insensitive person

          to catch someone red-handed – to catch someone in the act of committing a crime, usually a theft

          to paint the town red – to celebrate by running wild, drinking and making a disorder

          to see the red light – to recognize approaching danger

          to be shown the red card – to be dismissed from the job



          to feel/ look blue – to feel/ look depressed

          once in a blue moon – extremely rarely, once in a lifetime

          a blue stocking – a woman more interested in learning and an academic career than in a marriage and bringing up children

          blue blood/ blue blooded – of a nobility or aristocracy

          to be a blue – to represent Cambridge University or Oxford University at games or sports

          to blue one’s money – spend money wildly

          men in blue – the police, from the colour of their uniform

          a bolt from the blue – some unexpected bad news

          a true blue – one whose loyalty can always be counted on



          to be green – to be inexperienced

          to be green with envy – to feel extremely envious/ jealous

          to have green fingers – to be blessed with luck in the growing of plants and flowers

          to give the green light to – to give permission to go ahead




          to be yellow – to be cowardly

          to be shown a yellow card – to receive a warning



          a white wedding – a wedding in church

          a white lie – a harmless or well – intentioned lie

          white horses – white waves

          a white Christmas – Christmas when snow has fallen and the countryside is white

          lily white – of great purity and delicacy

          a white-collar worker – the professional or office worker who wears a shirt with a white collar



          to be on the black list – to be on a list of people under suspicion, who have committed crimes

          the black sheep – a member of family who has disgraced himself

          a black comedy – a story or play in which the theme is sad or tragic

          to be in the black – to be in a credit

          to blacken someone’s character – to make someone appear worse than he really is by exaggerating his faults

          a blackleg – someone who continues to work during a strike

          the black market – illegal buying and selling of products



          to be as brown as a berry – to be pleasantly tanned by the sun



          a golden opportunity – a wonderful opportunity that may never repeat

          the golden rule – a wise rule, the best rule

          a golden boy – a young man with outstanding skills usually in sport or for his good looks

          the golden mean – moderation in all things

          to worship the golden calf – to worship money



          a silver tongue – eloquence and charm

          born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth – born into a wealthy family






          1. Match these idioms with English explanation:

          a) to be green               (1) someone representing Oxford in sport

          b) a red – letter day      (2) extremely rarely

          c) a white lie                  (3) to be inexperienced

          d) to be a blue                        (4) a harmless or well – intentioned lie

          e) once in a blue moon      (5) a day of special importance

          f) white horses              (6) to be cowardly

          g) the black sheep                  (7) white waves

          h) to be yellow              (8) disgraced person in a family


          1. Complete the sentences with a correct idiom:

          a) Diane left me. Things look ____________ now.

          b) Unfortunately, my favourite uncle visits us ________________________ .

          c) _______________ appear to be galloping forward on to the shore like horses.

          d) That was the only ___________________. It won’t happen again, I’m afraid.

          e) I don’t like going out with that ________________________ . She’s only interested in books.

          f) That story was a real _________________ . After all I started to cry.

          g) My mother loves flowers and she has ________________ for them.



          1. a3, b5, c4, d1, e2, f7, g8, h6
          2. a) blue

          b) once in a blue moon

          c) white horses

          d) golden opportunity

          e) blue stocking

          f) black comedy

          g) green fingers

          mgr Agnieszka Pastusiak

    • Kontakty

      • XV Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. rtm. Witolda Pileckiego w Katowicach
      • 32 204 65 98
        32 204 65 97
      • ul. Obroki 87
        40-833 Katowice
      • Przystanek: Osiedle Witosa II
        • dojazd autobusami linii: 51, 109, 138, 238, 675
        - Przystanek usytuowany jest na skrzyżowaniu ulic Witosa i Obroki. Aby dojść do szkoły należy minąć skrzyżowanie i skręcić w lewo.
        Odległość: ~ 500 metrów. Czas marszu: ~ 5 minut.

        Przystanek: Obroki Dulęby
        • dojazd autobusami linii: 70, 115, 165
        - Przystanek znajduje się najbliżej szkoły. Aby z tego przystanku trafić do naszej placówki należy udać się wzdłuż drogi.
        Odległość: ~ 80 metrów. Czas marszu: ~ 2 minuty.
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